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Sort Bibliography in Word document
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1 Introduction

By following the procedure described below, you can maintain italics when sorting a biliography input in a Word document.


As a preparation, register two small macros with Word as follows.

    1) Start Word and press [Alt]+[F11]. The Visual Basic Editor will be launched.
    2) Right click on [Normal] in the upper left pane of the editor, and select [Insert] > [Module].
        A pane for editing macros will open in the right side.
         (If [Normal] is hidden, press [Ctrl]+[R] and it will appear.)
    3) Copy the content of this page and paste it into the pane.
    4) Save the change by pressing [Ctrl]+[S]
    5) Close the Visual Basic Editor by clicking the [X] in the upper right corner of the editor.

2 The procedure

In order to sort a bibliography without losing italics, follow the three steps below.

Step 1: Enclose italics between <i>...</i> tags

Open the Word document of a bibliography (or an entire paper containing a bibliography). Press [Alt]+[F8] and a list of registered macros will appear. Select "markup_italics" and run it. <i>...</i> tags will be added to all italics.


Step 2: Sort the bibliography and write back the results

Copy-and-paste the tagged bibliography into the input box of this Website and sort it. Then replace the bibliography in the Word document by the sort results.


Step 3: Italicise the tagged elements

Press [Alt]+[F8] again. This time select "restore_italics" and run it. It will italicise the elements enclosed by the tags and delete the tags.


Thus you acquired the sorted bibliography maintaining italics in the original document.